Hear sermons, conversations, and select programs from Rabbi Cosgrove and the entire Park Avenue Synagogue clergy team to help round out your day. Don’t forget to subscribe to get a notification for our next episode. Listen to live recorded sessions and feel like you’re there at PAS! Find more information at www.pasyn.org or follow us @parkavenuesyn.
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Sermon - Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove: To Life! – April 17, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
How do we bring a person who has been isolated because of a dreadful disease back into community? How do we all reintegrate as a community after a year of isolation and disruption?
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
In this episode, Jen Stern Granowitz and Erin Beser speak about the Jewish views on death and dying with Rabbi Melanie Levav, founder and director of the Shomer Collective, a new Jewish organization focused on improving end-of-life experiences. Listen for some concrete language on how to talk about death with young children, older learners or even what we as adults need to understand about Jewish views on death and dying. In what turned out to be an uplifting and spiritually fulfilling conversation, Rabbi Levav discusses how this work gives us the opportunity to live lives of greater meaning and connection by recognizing our own mortality. Trigger warnings include talk of death, dying, cancer, the Holocaust, and how to speak about these topics with very young children.
Discussion and Reflection Questions
1. What are your own views on death and dying?
2. What were the conversations that you had about death and dying when you were younger in your family, at school, and in your community? If you could change or reframe those conversations, would you and how?
3. 3. A question from Rabbi Levav (attributed to the poet Mary Oliver): What will you do with your own wild and precious life?
- Sesame Street's grief toolkit
- PJ Library article: "How to Talk About Death and Dying"
- Tablet's list of kids books about death
- NPR article: "Be Honest And Concrete: Tips For Talking To Kids About Death"
- HealthyChildren.org article: "How Children Understand Death & What You Should Say"
For more information about services and programs at Park Avenue Synagogue, visit our website at https://pasyn.org.
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Episode 7 is a part two of “How We Talk About Art.” Jen Stern Granowitz speaks with PAS Artist-in-Residence Ellen Alt about creative ways to integrate art into teaching about Israel. Check out the show notes for this episode for visuals of the different projects.
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Sermon - Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove: As Difficult As Splitting The Sea -April 6, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Can a miracle be difficult for God? Follow Rabbi Cosgrove into a sea of stories and interpretations as we discover how building a relationship is like making a miracle.
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
In this episode, Jen Stern Granowitz and Erin Beser speak with Rabbi Geoff Mitelman, the Founding Director of Sinai and Synapses. The organization bridges the religious and scientific worlds, offering people a worldview that is scientifically grounded and spiritually uplifting. Rabbi Mitelman shares advice on how to talk with your learners about the Torah and God while also validating their understanding of science and history.
Discussion and Reflection Questions
- How do you authentically connect with the Torah and God? To use Rabbi Mitelman’s words, how do you bridge the religious and scientific worlds?
- How have you or would you respond to a student who does not want to engage in learning about our Biblical stories because “this didn’t even really happen”?
- When teaching about Passover specifically, how have you or would you help your students connect to the holiday if they are struggling to connect with something that “didn’t even really happen”?
- A question from Rabbi Mitelman: Where do I find meaning even if something is not necessarily factually true?
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
We all make missteps. Sometimes we need to receive a second chance, and sometimes we need to offer one. Rabbi Witkovsky discusses the sacrificial system of Va-yikra as the Torah’s way of codifying the importance of second chances, a message we all need today.
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Sermon - Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove: Kavod Shabbat In Covid - March 13, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
May we break Shabbat in order to keep Shabbat? The tension between working to make Shabbat and resting to have Shabbat is as old as Shabbat itself. Looking back over our pandemic year, Rabbi Cosgrove questions how our use of technology will affect how we keep Shabbat in the future.
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
In this episode, Jennifer Stern Granowitz and Erin Beser speak to Jewish educator and artist Sarah Damelin about the importance of integrating art in Jewish education to teach valuable critical thinking skills of exploration, interpretation, and decision making. Listen to Damelin’s advice on how to engage different types of learners when making art and how to talk to them about their work.
Discussion and Reflection Questions
1. How can you incorporate art in a new way during an upcoming lesson?
2. Next time you see a student’s work, what is a new way you could respond?
3. A question from Sarah Damelin: How can you use art experiences in your classroom to push kids to develop their sense of confidence and self-worth in other things that they do?
For more information about services and programs at Park Avenue Synagogue, visit our website at https://pasyn.org.
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Sermon - Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove: Don't Make Me Choose - March 6, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Rabbi Cosgrove reflects on the vituperative reaction of Israel’s ultra-Orthodox to last week’s Supreme Court decision regarding conversion and the uncomfortable choice faced by diaspora Jewry.
For more information about services and programs at Park Avenue Synagogue, visit our website at https://pasyn.org.
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Is it better to make change from the inside or outside? On our annual UJA Shabbat, Rabbi Cosgrove looks to the Megillah for two models of leadership that can guide our choices today.
For more information about services and programs at Park Avenue Synagogue, visit our website at https://pasyn.org.